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New Tangles on Prestrung Zendalas: Tangle Library Course 3
Welcome to the Tangle Library Class on Prestrung Zendalas!
Welcome - let's get excited! (2:21)
Supplies For This Course
Here's What You Need! (1:28)
Tangle Library on Prestrung Zendala #1: Inde Rella and Purk
Let's get Started With Crescent Moon! (5:28)
A Second Layer of Crescent Moon (1:35)
New Tangle: Purk Practice (3:17)
Purk on the Zendala (3:59)
Purk and Crescent Moon and Purk and ... (1:21)
Inde Rella Fills In (3:09)
Let's Shade! (5:22)
Final Touches - Whadda think? (1:37)
Prestrung Zendala #2: Henna Drum
Start with Spokes (2:35)
New Tangle: Henna Drum-The Flower Center (3:04)
Henna Drum Petals (4:06)
Accessorize with Orbs (1:09)
Shade And See Final (5:40)
Prestrung Zendala #3: Phicops and Poke Root
Fabulous New Tangle: Phicops (5:05)
Important Step: Aura Phicops (0:32)
Add a New Tangle: Pokeroot (3:22)
Pokeroot All Around! (0:40)
Finish off with Hollibaugh or Knightsbridge (5:50)
Hollibaugh Refresher (1:44)
TL on PS Zendala #4
Draw a circle in the middle (1:30)
Create the pie in the middle (1:18)
An Aura Variation Creates Merryhill (2:14)
Shade the pie to feel the full Impact of Merryhill (2:55)
New Tangle: Striping (6:39)
Let's add a Flux Variation (5:40)
Final touches (1:22)
Prestrung Zendala #5
New Tangle: Barberpole (11:03)
Fill in with Tipple (7:13)
Shade Mooka left behind and add more Tipple (5:26)
New Tangle: Pinch (6:23)
New Tangle: Black Pearlz (3:45)
Refine the Shading (3:49)
Final touches & Chop (1:10)
Prestrung Zendala #6 - Poke Leaf, Jonquil, Centipede
New Tangle: Poke Leaf to Star Points (4:14)
Old Favorites: Hollibaugh and Printemps (5:21)
New Tangle: Jonquil (3:28)
New Tangle: Centipede (2:59)
IMG_4473 (3:13)
Final Touches (2:47)
Prestrung zendalas 7 - Sanibelle
New Tangle: Sanibelle (4:54)
Pinwheel of Sanibelle (1:01)
Join Pinwheel to Sanibelle (1:05)
Knights Bridge Grid Start (1:51)
Knights Bridge Grid - the Other Direction (1:39)
Knights Bridge (6:08)
More Sanibelle (2:12)
Shading (4:18)
Final Thoughts (0:21)
Prestrung zendala 8 - Tripoli
Let's get Ready! (0:28)
Flexible Tripoli (7:17)
Start with the Diamonds ... (1:37)
Start the Tripoli Star (4:29)
Shade (2:58)
Adding Poke Root Behind Star (4:40)
Prestrung Zendala 9 - Yin Yang & Ambler
Here's the Plan (0:30)
Create the Yin Yang Symbol (3:20)
Create an Ambler Ribbon (3:56)
My Old Favorite: Knights Bridge (3:23)
String of Pearls to Round it Out (3:53)
Shading (4:31)
Options (1:41)
Hiding Unintended Lines (2:46)
Congratulations! ... and What's Next?
Congratulations, and What's Next? (2:57)
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Finish off with Hollibaugh or Knightsbridge
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